Annual Mashiach Conference 2012

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The annual UBMS Mashiach conference took place in Oxfordshire over the weekend of 24th-26th August 2012. After months of careful planning and prayer the conference brought together the Synagogues in membership of the UBMS, as well as Synagogues drawn from the now emerging Union of European Messianic Synagogues (UEMS). We had representatives from Belgium, Romania and the Ukraine, with the leaders and rabbis from these Synagogues teaching and preaching during the weekend, alongside the UBMS rabbis. The conference was larger than last year and had a full youth programme, run by Dani Greenberg Thornton, and a children’s programme run by Rebbetzin Avigayil Sabey.

The worship was powerful and inspiring, and a key part of the successful conference. We were also joined by ‘Kineti’, a worship group from Belgium who have a strong heart for worship and outreach, who were clearly anointed of the Lord.

Over the weekend new friendships were forged, debate and discussions engaged and relationships deepened. Photos of the conference are available on the website and can also be viewed on the UBMS and UEMS Facebook pages. For more information or contact details, do email us on