
Selected articles from Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue Norwich

We are living in times of a growing interest in Messianic Judaism, its history, theology and practices and its future.  Given the geographic spread of Messianic Jewish congregations in the UK, many people find it very difficult to physically get to a Messianic Synagogue near to where they live.  This is even more the case if living abroad.  We recognise the urgent need for Messianic Jewish teaching to support such people in their own developing understanding of this movement.

If this is you and you would like to receive the weekly Shabbat Torah message and midweek thematic teachings via a download link each week, then please contact the Rabbi here.

The following teaching articles about Messianic Judaism are available as free downloads:

PDF_Icon – Why is Salvation a central theme in Messianic Judaism?
PDF_Icon – Keeping Shabbat – Messianic Halachah


The UBMS also offers Shabbat Sermon downloads from Rabbi Sheldrake and other ordained Rabbis.   Please see the ‘Sermons’ page on each Synagogue website for more details.

We hope you enjoy these talks; however it is important to be a member of a congregation where you can regularly receive Messianic Jewish teaching.  Don’t just listen, join up!