We meet in Norwich every Shabbat at 10.30am, and have a worship service on every High Holy day. There are weekly meetings (Tefillah) during the week for members. If you would like more information then you can contact us on 07483 901277 or e-mail us.

We do not separate men and women in our services. Visitors (men and women) who have kippot and tallit are invited to wear them for all services. Please otherwise endeavour to dress with modesty and decorum given the sanctity of our service. We use some Hebrew Liturgy during the service, but no knowledge of Hebrew is assumed.

Our younger children receive some teaching for their age group (pre-bar/bat mitzvah age) during the weekly sermon.

After the service there is a short Kiddush and oneg Shabbat.

If you are planning to attend with other family members, especially those with younger children, it is advisable to contact the Synagogue in advance. Thank you